Uuuuuuuuhhhhh, getting to do the dishes is the best in the whole world!!!!! (that'll pass my dear)

Playing "Borte - tit tiiiit" with Morfar was good fun

"Whack the Cat" Pappa calls it. The danes calls it "slå katten af tønden....and it's a strange custom...people looke so funny

The first "fastelavnsris" made by Mormor, "uhhhhhh".

Pappa is liking the labtop more and more

Pickeld "agurk" is still the favorite suckle thing...keep those dumb "suts" to yourself.

Morgan does all he can to be friends with Bear. Playing stick is the best!

I like it. A lot.

What is this white cold stuff that makes everyone in such a playfull mood??

Napping in wired positions with Pappa is a safe feeling

Ohhh wauh, a whole suitcase full of xmas gifts from Nonnie and Grandpa. Grandpa was visiting alone, it was wonderful.

Morgans first tatoo!!

Bath time....and Pappa is dooodling on the nice soft baby back

Mum makes the best food...and lots of it

Morgans favourite girls to hang out with

Newyears...after a sip of champagne. Even though it sounded like a war had broken out (the rich uses a LOT of money on fireworks in this town and we live on a hill!) Morgan slept soundly
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